


Noy Lagan


UX UI & HTML CSS Development

About project

Boutique Gardens Website Characterization, Design, And Development

I led the characterization, design, and development of a website for a company specializing in establishing boutique gardens with a rustic flair. The website showcases a variety of projects undertaken by the company, emphasizing the unique aesthetics of each boutique garden.

My Role

My multifaceted role encompassed the entire process, from understanding the client’s vision to characterizing, designing, and ultimately developing the website. The goal was to create an online presence that authentically represented the company’s identity and showcased their portfolio of boutique gardens.

Tools and Technologies Used

The design and development processes were executed using a combination of research tools, Figma for wireframes and UI design, and WordPress with Elementor for website development.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to create a website that captured the rustic and boutique essence of the gardens without conveying a sales-oriented feeling. The client emphasized minimal “call-to-action” buttons, posing a challenge in encouraging user interaction while avoiding a sales-driven approach.


In-Depth Client Meetings and Vision Alignment

The project commenced with extensive client meetings to understand their vision and desired perception among the target audience. The characterization phase, although challenging due to specific client requirements, laid the groundwork for a unique and tailored design. Selecting branding colors aligned with the rustic theme preceded the website design, ensuring a cohesive visual identity.